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10 runs on turning fast and using Motion Sensor from LEGO Education SPIKE Prime Pro Preview

This LEGO Education SPIKE Prime video tutorial demonstrates the difference in turning slow and turning fast and using the Motion sensor to understand the orientation of the robot. We do 10 consecutive runs. The goal is to understand what can you expect from the robot behavior in terms of consistency.

  • #1926
  • 02 Jun 2022
  • 3:08


In this video tutorial, we will use the LEGO Education SPIKE Prime robot and its motion sensor and we'll do ten consecutive tries of the previous program of how we rotate the robot fast and slow to 90 degrees.

Let's do the 10 seconds on 60 plus first ten times very fast. As you remember from the explanation of the program from the previous tutorial, we have two programs uploaded on the robot. It's a one program, but we can control it with the left and right the button. So left and we rotate very fast and return back. Let's see again, very fast and return back and you see that it's not exactly the same each time, very fast and return back. So even though the robot is aligned in the same way, it is not in the same position. So this very fast way of moving the robot, it's fast, but it's not very accurate and it's not very consistent. It's consistent when it comes to the angle, but the robot is in a different position every time after we turn. This is because of the friction of the wheels, of the friction of the field. Again, that's a tool. You can use this tool if you need to turn the robot very fast because you want to save some seconds. But a different approach would be to turn the robot a little bit slower. Let's see ten consecutive runs of this example. How do we turn the robot slow, return and see the end position? Well, it's not exactly 90 degrees. That's a configuration for every robot. The point here is that it is more consistent when you turn slower. With robot, the end angle is more consistent and it's the same. The position of the robot is the same. Again, we try to align it each time to the black line.

And with these ten consecutive runs, what we hope is for you to see that sometimes it pays off to be a little bit slower with the robot and to turn slowly. Use the motion sensor to detect the degree to which you want to turn the robot. But if you are slower, you have less inertia, you get a much more consistent product. Again, check out the previous tutorial of how exactly the program works and how we've developed the program.

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