SP044. 2019-07-15

TL;DR; Summary by Kiril

We've created a new version for the course for level 1.5. We've started reworking the subscription process to make it easier for teachers to subscribe students to the platform. It will be possible to have the teacher buy as much students subscriptions as he wants.

Table of contents


[Curriculum-1.0] Update course A2

The second course for LEGO Robotics with EV3 Space exploration was updated with the new tools that our platform offers: Non-reusable paragraphs that define the structure and the flow of the lesson.

Teacher's notes were added, so that new teachers have exemplary solutions and guidance for the challenges in the classes.

exemplary solution for moving in tunnel with Ultrasonic Sensor

[Curriculum-1.0] Aftermath for lesson 7 from 3.5

Updated https://www.fllcasts.com/bg/course_sections/522/ and http://fllcasts.com/bg/tasks/2118-for-each-unique-combination-of-colors-change-the-variable-name-with-the-name-of-a-unique-user-you-can-freely-pick-the-names-of-the-users-or-use-the-names-of-your-classmates

Students are doing only 3-4 cases with colors


[Curriculum-1.0] Create Lesson 2 in course 1.0

Lesson 2 is created in level 1.0 Adventure in Space.

The lesson introduces the arc turn - the first way to make a turn with the robot. Beyond the Move Steering block, students learn about Sound and Display blocks and animate their robots.

arc turn

Lesson 2 is created in level 1.0 Adventure in Space

We teach arc turns and have created lots of themed tasks about orbiting the Moon.

arc turns

[Curriculum-1.0] Create lesson 1 of level 1.5

Lesson 1 is created in level 1.5 Spy Tools?*.

The lesson introduces the switch block - the block that allows the robot to make decisions. Students defuse bombs with the help of manually programmed remote control.

TODO** image

`'* TBD choose name '** Waiting 20th July, Michail to create images for the lesson

[Curriculum-1.0] Create lesson 2 of level 1.5

Lesson 2 is created in level 1.5 Spy Tools?*.

The lesson reiterates the switch block and we stress on the difference between switch and wait blocks. Students build a transformer vehicle and follow target.

TODO** image

`'* TBD choose name '** Waiting 20th July, Michail to create images for the lesson

[Curriculum-1.0] Create lesson 3 of level 1.5

Lesson 3 is created in level 1.5 Spy Tools?*.

The lesson introduces color sensor and its usage. Students build an imbalanced vehicle that must be redesigned in order to infiltrate an organization.

TODO** image

`'* TBD choose name '** Waiting 20th July, Michail to create images for the lesson

[Curriculum-1.0] Fix tutorial 914

All images and videos in Loop Blocks tutorial were updated and replaced.

[Curriculum-1.0] Create lesson 4 of level 1.5

Lesson 4 is created in level 1.5 Spy Tools?*.

The lesson introduces the line following algorithm. Students follow tracks to get to the root of an evil-doing!

TODO** image

`'* TBD choose name '** Waiting 20th July, Michail to create images for the lesson


[Content-Creation-2.0, Bug] Duplicating a course section reorders NRC and tasks

Duplicating a course section sometimes reordered the content in it. This no longer happens.

[Content-Creation-2.0, Bug] Fix embed view in course section edit page

Course sections' edit page's "Embed View" button wasn't working. Now it is fixed.

[Groups-1.1] When replying to group email, the reply should go to all group coordinators.

When an email is sent to the user that he is added to a group, now there is a ReplyTo set to the email. This means that replying to the email will now reply to the group's coordinators.

[MGE-1.0] When registering a user by yourself on a MGE page, there shouldn't be a generate password button and the password field should be of type "password"

There was a broken "Generate password" button when a user is creating a registration from the MGE page. Also, the password fields there were showing the password as text, which wasn't supposed to happen.

[Subscriptions-1.1] Remove subscription users management from the Subscriptions Edit Page

Although there is a "Subscription Users" page where you can manage the users of a subscription, admins could still do it through the subscription's form. This is now removed and it all happens through the "Subscription Users" page.

[Subscriptions-1.1] Deprecate subscription method in User. The user could have more than one subscription

The User#subscription method was removed. It was misleading, because users can have many subscriptions.

For example, the admins' users page now shows the user's subscriptions in the following way: users' subscriptions. The table cell contains a list of the users' subscriptions and the tick or the cross next to the subscription shows if it is active.

[Subscriptions-1.1] Remove Teachers options from SubscriptionsUsers

There is no longer a teacher user type for users in a subscription. All ex-teachers are now in a new subscription that is a teacher subscription and has the same access as the old teacher role.

[Subscriptions-1.1] Sort subscriptions in Users page by created_at DESC

The /users admin page now shows the subscriptions of a user sorted in a descending order by the date and time at which they were created.

[Subscriptions-1.1] When changing the ownership of the account a new welcome mail is not sent to the new email

Fixed a bug where the email displayed on the groupusers table, on the group supervise page, for a user who was just created and his password was set would be the email of the user who created him even after the new email was confirmed. Also rearanged the emailtemplate text so the confirmation instructions and the user credentials are the first things you read in it.

Made it so when an account is transferred, the user will get a digest for the default courses he's enrolled in when the user was created.


[Academies] Add the Burgas academy to every list with academies

Бургас е добавен в контакти, в екип и Отворени врати.


