Understanding the learning process

Getting to know the teacher and the rest of the students

In this course, you will work with other students in the group. These might be your classmates, teammates, or students you know from other activities. It is important to know your group so that you can work together with them in the best possible way.

Know your teacher

Your teacher will tell you something about themselves, and then you will acquaint yourself with the students in the group.
Remember the name of the teacher and address them by name!

Listen to others

Make sure you listen to the rest of the group and pay attention to details about them the same way you wish they would listen to you.

Details that you all should share are:

  • your name;
  • your age;
  • your grade;
  • which school you are attending;
  • your favorite sport, extracurricular activity, hobby.

Share a story

Also, if the teacher considers it appropriate, you could share a short story or an achievement along the lines of "I've done something you haven't done, which is...".

Code of conduct during the robotics lessons

We have the following behavior expectations from you during this course:

You ask the question.
You will probably err before you succeed.
You should work as a team. Share solutions with others, help them and allow them to help you.
When the teacher speaks, this is important to everyone.
You should read your lesson before you come to class.

Students ask the questions!

The teacher will not expect you "to know a lot", but will expect you to ask when you don’t. Go to your teacher when you have a problem. The teacher won’t be able to help you unless you ask them.

Students err before they succeed!

It’s normal to fail the first time. But we will be disappointed with you if you don’t try over and over again. We can agree that you have failed only after you have tried at least 200 (two hundred) times and still haven’t found a solution to the task.

Students work as a team

A team consists of two students who work with one set and evenly share both building and programming the robot. Nevertheless, a team is the whole class who work together and help each other to solve all tasks during the lesson. We actually tolerate copying and hinting!
Two students should log in with their user names and passwords. Use the button "Log in Partner".

When the teacher speaks, this is important to everyone

Sometimes the teacher will solve a student’s problem. Pay attention to what the teacher says, as you may encounter the same problem in the future.

You should read your lesson before you come to class

We provide you with e-textbooks. You can read them at home, on your phone or tablet. You are expected to think of solutions to the tasks before coming to class.

How to log in and find the course you are enrolled in

Log in

The first thing to do each lesson is to log in with your username and password:

Log in a partner

Afterwards, your partner should also log in. To do so, provide him enough space to use the computer to enter their username and password:

Find your course

Now you can proceed with opening your course. To do so, you need to go to the dashboard, open your groups, open the one you are currently enrolled in, and access the course through the assigned content:

Learn how to work with tasks

Your first task follows, and we will explain how to use tasks.

Structure of the course

In the course, you will see videos and tasks.

Videos are marked with the icon. They will show you how to make the best out of your robots.

After every few videos, there will be a task for you to practice what you saw. We believe that people learn best when they make things on their own and try their approach.

Tasks are marked with the labyrinth icon and have steps to follow.
These steps break down the problem into pieces that are easy to tackle. You, as a student, should follow these steps.

When you get to a task in class, click on the "Started" button below the task.

Once all steps are achieved, click on the "Completed" button below the steps to mark the task as solved.
When you have trouble with any of the steps, turn to your teacher for clarification. If needed, you can always write it down in the comments section of the page, too.



All tasks support the upload of an image proving that you have solved the task. Some tasks require image upload, while for most of the tasks the upload is optional. 


Steps to practice solving tasks

  1. Press "Started" for the task below.
  2. Read all the text above and share your understanding about it with the teacher.
  3. Mark this task as "Completed" below.