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Robot Accuracy when moving fast VS moving slow on an FLL competition field with LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor Pro Preview

In this video tutorial we use a LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot inventor robot and we do an experiment and a demonstration with it. We demonstrate what is the difference in the consistency and accuracy of the robot when we move slow and when we move fast. For FLL, WRO competitions there is always this balance between moving fast and moving slow.

  • #1957
  • 25 Oct 2022
  • 6:06

When moving slowly the robot is more consistent, but you loose time. During a competition time is important


In this video tutorial, we use, again, LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor and we try to position the robot on the field only with the use of the movement blocks, without any sensors. And in this tutorial, we explore moving fast versus moving slow. In this program, we have two buttons, the left one and the right one. And depending on which button we press, we move slow. And this is a demonstration of how we move slow with the robot. And we again use this phone mission model from the Replay competition to mark the location on the field. So when we are moving slow with the robot, we expect that the robot will be more consistent and more precise when it arrives at specific location on the field. Again, let's start and move slow. And you see that by moving slow, we kind of get to the same place. But again, there is some difference. It is possible to improve the accuracy of the robot if we move slow. That's possible because we will reduce the amount of slip between the wheels and the field. And that's true for competition. It's not very useful to move slow. So that's why we move fast. But when we move fast, you can. See here is where the robot arrives when we move very fast. And this is like 100% of the power. The faster we go, the bigger the difference there is between different runs because there are always some errors that are occurring. See, again, the robot arrives at a completely different place. What you should do is try to download the program, assemble the robot and replicate this behavior experiment and see how it works. This here is the program for our robot and it's LEGO MINDSTORMS, Robot Inventor and the programming interface for LEGO MINDSTORMS. It looks different than LEGO education. It's basically the same program, but it looks different. It looks different. On the right, I have the recording of the robot. Now we need to move slowly and we need to move fast. That's the program. And what we've done with our program is we wanted to show a concept that's good when we use such programs. And we can have more than one of these starting blocks, this yellow blocks these events. And we have different events, like when the program starts, when a button is pressed. And these are things that happen in parallel. These are things that could happen both. At the same time while the robot is moving. So when the program starts, we set the movement to motors A and B, which means that A and B are the driving motors. From then on, when the right button is pressed, we move with 100%, same program, 100%. But when the left button is pressed, we move with 30% speed. And the idea here is that when the program starts, we do a small initialization of the program and then we wait for the press of the button. The other way to implement this program is not to have this initialization block right here, but to have something like this. We set one here. We set one here and we delete this one. Now, this program will behave in the same way. And when we start, let's start the video. When we start, it will work in exactly the same way. The only difference is that now we have this block theft movement motors to A and B in two places. What if we need to change the program? We need to change it here. And then we need to change it here. So this is our redundancy. The same block is used in more than one place. And it's the same logic. The correct way to develop the correct way. But a better way to develop the program is to have this initialization before that for this particular program. And here I will again move it like this. And now we have a nice program where if we need to change the program, we change the robot. For example, we want other motors to be the driving motors. We change at only one place. So this is the program for moving slow and fast with the robot. What I would advise you is to. Take this program, download it to your. Robot, of course, assemble the robot before that and try to experiment. See how accurate the robot is for your case. See where it arrives. And in this way you learn what can you expect from the robot when you move with this movement blocks. See you in the next tutorial.

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