Based on your feedback we've build a course for introducing new students to the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 programming and construction. It is designed for school groups, competition teams and students alone in home that can get our feedback on their progress
- #126
- 27 Sep 2015
- 6:14
Previously we've build over a hundred more advanced tutorials which were not suitable for completely new students. We then made a few assumptions about the student's knowledge in programming and constructing robots. In the EV3 Basics Course we are starting from the beginning.
EasyBot build with LEGO Mindstorms EV3
Building instructions for the EasyBot LEGO Mindstorms robot using in many of our courses and tutorials. This EasyBot has two motors and two front wheels. The third wheel is...well, check it out, see how the third wheel is built.
Courses with this episode
The episode is used in the following courses where you can find additional tasks for it to use in class
EV3 Basic Course. Introduction to robot programming, construction and sensor use
In this series of video tutorials we'll do more of an introduction. Based on your requests, of course, we've built over a 100 - 120 resources but they were more like intermediate resources and we were using robots like this and we were adding attachments to robots like this. But we've kind of missed for the last few months or probably even a year. We've kind of missed the introductory part. Where do you start from? How do you start with these robots? How do you use it in the classroom, on the competition, at home? How do you program them? How do you construct them? This is something that we missed and we got few requests that we should probably return back to the basics and start from the bottom and built from there and that's the goal of these series. We are separating these series in 3 parts, every episode will have the following structure or we'll at least try to keep every episode with the following structure. First we do more of an introduction, for example on the motors. Then we do more of an explanation on how do you use the robot and the movement of this robot and how do you program the movement on the competition. So, first it's general, then it's competition. And then we have a few tasks 2, 3, 4. We've prepared different tasks. The goal of this tasks is that you can do something at home, in the classroom. Experiment, record with a phone, upload, submit the solutions to us, share it, ask questions, so that we can help you get a better understanding on how do you construct and program this robot. Now what's the goal of this course, again, it's to return to the basics but we hope that you can use it in your school and you can use it as a course that will introduce students to the robot, but will also give them some more advanced knowledge on how to use the robot on the competition. So it's introductory course with a few episodes that are more like competition oriented. The other goal of the course is, of course if you are alone at home and you would like to use the robot and you'd like to learn more about them you can take this course and you can continue moving through it and it will be very interesting if we can communicate and you can leave us comments, write us an email or write to us through twitter and we'll help you along the way so that you can solve all the tasks and at the end have very good understanding on how to program the motors, the sensors and how to construct the robot. And the third goal of this course is if you're preparing a team for a competition and that's probably a rookie team or not a very experienced team to have a place to start. For the more advanced, experienced teams with 3, 4 years at the competition you can find links below for other playlists that are designed for them. This is for more like student that are now starting and they're trying to use the robots to compete at the competition. So let's start, I hope we'll get to 15, 20 videos in the next few months and at the end you'll have a pretty good understanding of the robots.
First, let's start with this simple robot that we call Easy robot. It' quite easy to construct you can find the instruction below the video. Now when you receive the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 set, you receive, there're different set but at the end you have the brick, you have the motors, probably 3 motors and you have a few sensors. Sensors like, touch sensor, or ultrasonic sensor, or color sensor you can have also the gyro sensor. So you have different sensors. With the LEGO parts that are in the set you can construct an unlimited amount of robots. These are all different robots. Most of the robots, when you start, will look like this. It will be more like mobile robots, robots that are moving on wheels and they'll probably have 2 motors, these here are the motors and the brick. And the motors will be somehow attached to the brick. Then you need, so that you can have a stable construction you need a third wheel. LEGO have introduced this metal wheel with the EV3 set it is quite interesting if you can learn to build different third wheels, but for the moment stick with this metal wheel that's very convenient. And this here is the robot. Most of the robots, that you'll use will have different constructions and different instructions on how to build the robot, but sometimes you won't have any instructions. So the goal of our first video is to show you the robot, to give you some feedback on this robot and to leave you to construct it. Find the instructions below and construct this robot.
Courses and lessons with this Tutorial
This Tutorial is used in the following courses and lessons

EV3 Basic Course. Introduction to robot programming, construction and sensor use
This course is designed for students, mentors and teachers that are completely new to LEGO Mindstorms EV3 robots and would like to start using them to learn, in classes or at competitions. It is quite different from previously built resources at FLLCasts because it makes no assumption on any previous knowledge and tries to introduce everything step-by-step.
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Build and Move
Based on your feedback we've build a course for introducing new students to the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 programming and construction. It is designed for school groups, competition teams and students alone in home that can get our feedback on their progress
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- 3d_rotation 2