This program is developed with LEGO Education SPIKE App Python and is used to make the Luly, small LEGO Education SPIKE Prime competition robot with 3D building instructions stop at a distance from the border field.
from spike import PrimeHub, LightMatrix, Button, StatusLight, ForceSensor, MotionSensor, Speaker, ColorSensor, App, DistanceSensor, Motor, MotorPair from spike.control import wait_for_seconds, wait_until, Timer from math import * hub = PrimeHub() distance_sensor = DistanceSensor('C') motor_pair = MotorPair('A', 'B') # Set the motor ports in the motor_pair. motor_pair.set_default_speed(50) # Set the default speed of the motor_pair. motor_pair.set_motor_rotation(17.6, 'cm') # Set the distance that the robot travels for one rotation of its wheels. The value 17.6 comes from # the diameter of the wheel (5.6cm) multiplied by "π" (3.14). motor_pair.set_stop_action('brake') # Activate the brakes when the robot stops. The other conditions are 'hold' and 'coast'. distance_sensor.light_up_all() # Turn on the distance sensor lights. motor_pair.start() # Move forward. distance_sensor.wait_for_distance_closer_than(20, 'cm') # Wait until distance is closer than 20 centimeters. motor_pair.stop() # Stop moving. distance_sensor.light_up_all(0) # Turn off the distance sensor lights. raise SystemExit # Close the program.
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- 15 Mar 2021