EV3 Phi. Task - use wait when the cup is over the robot buttons Pro Preview

How to use the robot when the buttons are not accessible.

  • #406
  • 14 Apr 2017
  • 1:51

Wait block

Remember the Wait Block and Wait Time mode.


  1. Start the program with the middle brick button;
  2. Place the cup;
  3. After that, the robot starts moving.


Next task after you've brought the cup from a water dispenser to a human and you've seen how the cup behaves and how it falls sometimes it is important to mention one more thing and this is what happens if you place and how to use the robot if you place the cup on the buttons. You can't start them. You can't start the robot. You can't press the buttons. So, let's see what we can do.

What you should remember is that there is a wait block in the EV3 software. And this wait block tells the robot to wait for a number of seconds. And try to implement a program, where you start the robot with this button, place the cup on the buttons and only after that the robot will move forward. And the program I could imagine should work like this. I'll download it.

Now, I press the button

and the robot moves.

Again. Press the button then place the cup because there is a wait block and the robot moves only after that. Try to implement this program by remembering the wait block and using the wait block.

Courses and lessons with this Tutorial

This Tutorial is used in the following courses and lessons

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