FLL 2024: Rules for M14 Sample Collection FIRST LEGO League 2024-2025 SUBMERGED Challenge

Collect samples and artifacts from around the mat so they can be analyzed by scientists in the lab.

  • #2380
  • 31 Aug 2024

Video rules

YouTube video for M14 Sample Collection


  • If the water sample is completely outside the water sample area: 5
  • If the seabed sample is no longer touching the seabed: 10
  • If the plankton sample is no longer touching the kelp forest: 10
  • If a piece of the trident is no longer touching the shipwreck: 20
  • Bonus: If both pieces are no longer touching the shipwreck: 10 ADDED

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FLLCasts Tip

This mission has four parts: The water sample must be completely outside the water sample area; the seabed sample must no longer be touching the seabed; the plankton sample must no longer be touching the kelp forest; and a piece of the trident must no longer be touching the shipwreck. If both pieces of the trident are no longer touching the shipwreck, you earn a bonus.

This mission is likely best accomplished in more than one run. Each sample must be collected in a different way:

  • The Water Sample can be pushed to the base while the robot is moving, but this can be challenging if the reef segments are still in place.
  • The Seabed Sample must be lifted up. You can use a beam or an axle as a lever for this.
  • The Plankton Sample must be pulled. A passive latch attachment can be used, such as a beam pointed downward that can swing toward the robot but not toward the model. When the beam enters the loop, it gets locked in place. A support beam under the hinged beam will prevent the sample from falling out of the attachment.
  • The Trident is the most difficult part of this mission. The best approach is to use a rubber-tipped end clip to catch the trident and lift it up from the shipwreck. This solution also requires precise movement and positioning of the robot.