FLL 2021: Push a mission model - 10 out of 10 on how to accomplish the Transportation Journey mission Pro Preview

This video tutorial demonstrates the consistency and reliability of the active attachment that pushes the two mission models. The goal is to use both the attachment and the robot to push the mission model and move the truck and the plane after the blue lines.

  • #2044
  • 18 Oct 2022
  • 5:53


In this video tutorial we do a ten out of ten runs on the transportation journey where we have the truck. This one here. It should cross the blue line and we also have the plane which should also cross the blue line. What we do is we recall five six runs of one of the mission models and five six runs of the other part of the mission model.

Let's start with with the plane.

First try we get the plane somewhere on the blue line. That's because we haven't started the robot from the right place, we haven't positioned it correctly. Here is what happens when we position it in completely incorrect way. My point here is that we should try to build the robot in a way that it positions correctly for each mission model. Now for this mission it's a rather challenging task and it's a purpose of another course how we develop such programs that allow us to consistently and reliably position the robot on the field. But that's for another course. Here we explore only the attachment. So we take for granted that the robot is correctly positioned and after it is correctly positioned what's important is to somehow interact with the mission model and complete the mission move and push. We saw that same attachment depending on whether the robot is 1 CM forward or backward will have a completely different behavior. And that's the point here. When we position the robot correctly it's quite easy with this principle where we push path on the plane to accomplish the mission. Again we press the right button, update the right program and this works every time.

Now let's do the same with the other mission model, the other part of the same mission model, the truck. How reliable is the behavior of the robot?

Well, first try we almost got it after the blue line. Let's see again. If we haven't positioned the robot correctly it is again quite difficult to accomplish the mission with this attachment. This attachment requires some form of a precision of where to position and it could take a difference of quarter of an inch probably or half a centimeter, but not more than that. And now we finally have the truck beyond the blue line trying for a couple of more times.

What we finally decided to do with this robot is to bring the robot a little bit backward and to start it from a different position. And when you start it a little bit backward and it's somewhere on the white line we reach and because we push on the truck with the end of the lever the force of the push is much stronger and because it's much stronger it is easier to get the truck after the blue line. We should position the robot somewhere somewhere between the white line and the colorful part of the field we start and we should try to push on the truck with the end of the lever and this is how we can finally accomplish the mission in a reliable way. That was it. That was for the two missions, for the truck and for the cargo plane. The important part here is that we should definitely align correctly on the line in order to be able to push the truck beyond the blue line. Especially with the attachments that we've developed, we should be somewhere around the white line. Try to review the other courses where we discuss specific techniques principle to position the field to make the robot more consistent and more reliable. Hope this is helpful.

Courses and lessons with this Tutorial

This Tutorial is used in the following courses and lessons

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Image for M04. Push with an attachment - Transportation Journey
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