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FTC cut template for a pipe to collect and store balls

Drawing on how to cut a pipe to be able to collect and store balls in this pipe. The sheet format is ISO A4 and the drawing size is real (100% scale)


  • #283
  • 02 Jun 2017

За да го построите ще имате нужда от

  • Tetrix

Tetrix FTC. How to cut and prepare a pipe to store balls. Length and cap

In this robotics tutorial, we would discuss the length of the pipe and its dimensions. These are general considerations for every container on a FIRST Technical Challenge competition. 

Tetrix FTC. Task. Cut and prepare a pipe

This is the task for you. We've shown you in the previous tutorials how to do it, how to use a drill and a hacksaw and a grinding stone to cut and shape a PVC pipe. Now it's your turn. Don't forget to show us pictures -> right here in the comments section

Tetrix FTC. Tools and example for cutting a pipe

This robotics tutorial is about the different tools that you could use to collect the balls in a pipe on a FIRST Technical Challenge competition.

Tetrix FTC. Cut a pipe to a specific length

In this tutorial, we record an example of how to cut the pipe to the desired length with a hacksaw. Cutting with a hacksaw is very common during FIRST Technical Challenge Preparation

Tetrix FTC. Final phase of cutting. Shaping with a drill

Tetrix FTC. How to cut and prepare a pipe to store balls. Shape of the pipe

The robotics tutorial is about the shape of the pipe its advantages and disadvantages.

Tetrix FTC. Cut a pipe with an opening with specific shape. User a template

Take the hacksaw, the drill and let's cut the pipe.

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